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Golf chipping, golf exercises, golf technique, golf tips -

Chipping is an often overlooked part of golf. If you walk around any golf course practice area, you are likely to see many golfers working on their swing and practicing their putting. Few, if any, will be dedicating practice time to chipping from around the green. The results show on the course - most amateur golfers are poor chippers and cost themselves several strokes per round simply with failed up and down attempts. If that sounds like you, use the following four tips to improve your chipping in your very next round. Use Your Hands. Many golfers try to use...

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Golf Grip, golf technique, golf tips -

Ask any golf instructor and they will tell you the grip is the important, and most overlooked, aspect of the golf swing. A good grip will naturally keep the club face in a good position and allow the rest of the swing to work as intended. A poor grip gets everything out of alignment and leaves almost no chance for producing consistently good shots. The following five tips will help you to double check your grip and be sure you are on track. Three Knuckles. For a right handed golfer, you should be able to look down at address and...

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Golf Scholarship, golf technique, golf tips -

Getting a college scholarship for any reason is a great accomplishment. It takes financial burden off the family, can be a source of pride and motivation for the student. For an ambitious young female golfer, getting an athletic scholarship to a great school is actually easier than it may seem. The competition for such scholarships is not as fierce as in some other sports, and you don't need to be the next Annika Sorenstam to get a nice financial package. The following tips will position your young girl well to achieve a great athletic scholarship. Get Started Early. When learning...

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golf exercises, golf fitness, golf technique, golf tips -

Many golfers mistakenly think that fitness doesn't play a big role in their golf games. On its surface, golf doesn't seem like a particularly demanding game from a physical standpoint. There is no running, no jumping, and you can even ride in a cart while you play if you so choose. So why get into great shape just to golf? In reality, the golf swing is a demanding physical motion that requires muscle strength - and flexibility - to execute properly time after time. For us ladies', there are some specific exercises we can do in order to be better...

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best golf clubs, driver, golf clubs, golf tips -

If you asked golfers to name their favorite club in the bag, I'd bet the majority would say their driver is the clear winner. I mean, who doesn't like the feeling of reaching down to pick you your tee after sending one flying down the middle of the fairway? The driver gives you a chance to reach back and swing your hardest because the ball is up on a tee and the club head is nice and forgiving. Using a driver that is well-suited to your swing is a great feeling that builds confidence in your game as a whole....

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